Only Buyer Sellers

Company Name Bid Qty(in No.s) Last Change(₹) Change(%)
Uravi T & Wedge 453 455.50 41.40 10.00
Diamond Power 8,473 134.19 6.39 5.00
Nila Spaces 233,601 17.64 0.84 5.00
Shakti Pumps 143,634 1155.15 55.00 5.00
Gillanders Arbut 727 116.80 5.56 5.00
Transwar.Fin. 2,187 21.43 1.02 5.00
MASK INVESTMENTS 1,542 198.35 9.44 5.00
Spandana Sphoort 200,760 366.70 17.45 5.00
Tantia Constr. 109,940 55.48 2.64 5.00
Yaari Digital 90,767 13.24 0.63 5.00

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