Revenue from operations climbed 73.6% YoY to Rs 55.04 crore in the quarter ended 31 December 2024. Profit before tax (PBT) stood at Rs 12.60 crore in Q3 FY25, up 54.8% as compared to Rs 8.14 crore reported in Q3 FY24. Total expenses spiked 80.71% YoY to Rs 42.74 crore in Q3 FY25. Cost of material consumed stood at Rs 14.60 crore (up 61.86% YoY), employee benefit expense stood at Rs 1.44 crore (up 13.38% YoY) and finance cost was at Rs 0.22 crore (down 12% YoY) during the period under review. On a nine-month basis, the company's consolidated net profit jumped 48.7% to Rs 26.85 crore in 9M FY25 as against Rs 18.06 crore posted in 9M FY24. Revenue from operations increased 58.1% YoY to Rs 148.99 crore in 9M FY25. Raghav Productivity Enhancers is engaged in the manufacturing and trading of ramming mass and other quartz-related items. Powered by Capital Market - Live News