Bank Credit Growth Decelerates To 11.8% In Dec-24 From 12.6% In Sep-24

21-Feb-25   18:15 Hrs IST

Reserve Bank of India or RBI stated in a latest update that Bank credit growth (y-o-y) decelerated to 11.8 per cent in December 2024 from 12.6 per cent in September 2024; all population groups (viz., rural, semi-urban, urban and metropolitan branches of banks) maintained double digit growth, though with some moderation, which was experienced by both public sector and private sector banks. Personal loans, which have large share (31.5 per cent) in total credit, recorded moderation in annual growth to 13.7 per cent (15.2 per cent a quarter ago); credit to agriculture and industry sectors also recorded some tempering in the growth.

Bank lending for trade, finance and professional/ other services accelerated during Q3:2024-25. Lending to public sector organisations accelerated to 5.4 per cent in December 2024 as compared with 0.3 per cent in the previous quarter; its share in total credit stood at 13.6 per cent. Nearly two per cent of the bank loans were in terms of bills purchased/ discounted. Bank charged 8 per cent to less than 10 per cent interest rate on over half of the loan amount and nearly 16 per cent of the loans were bearing less than 8 per cent interest rate; the remaining loans were bearing 10 per cent or above interest rate.

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