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Top 10
Company Name Prev. Close(₹) Last Price(₹) Change(₹) Change(%) Volume(in No.s)
Bharat Electron 274.15 288.95 14.80 5.40 18,818,511
ITC Hotels 171.40 168.52 -2.88 -1.68 18,221,463
Tata Steel 131.82 134.40 2.58 1.96 16,958,362
Power Grid Corpn 283.80 285.20 1.40 0.49 15,337,191
St Bk of India 760.95 766.05 5.10 0.67 13,419,162
Tata Motors 687.45 717.05 29.60 4.31 12,907,325
ITC 454.35 448.15 -6.20 -1.36 12,836,283
NTPC 311.25 319.60 8.35 2.68 12,226,722
HDFC Bank 1,678.00 1,737.80 59.80 3.56 11,837,753
O N G C 249.00 261.65 12.65 5.08 11,590,755

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