Lowest in OI

As on: 20-Dec-2024 , 12:00 AM

Open Interest refers to the total number of derivative contracts, like futures and options, that have not been settled in the previous time period for a specific underlying security.

Instrument Type Underlying Expiry Date Last Price(₹) Change(%) OI OI Chg(%)
FUTSTK MRF 27-Feb-25 129,998.30 -1.33 190 2.70
FUTSTK JKCEMENT 27-Feb-25 4,653.00 0.41 250 0.00
FUTIDX FINNIFTY 25-Feb-25 24,000.00 -1.64 325 25.00
FUTSTK SHREECEM 27-Feb-25 26,748.85 -1.82 550 10.00
FUTSTK ABBOTINDIA 27-Feb-25 29,130.65 -1.02 560 -17.65
FUTSTK PAGEIND 27-Feb-25 49,275.00 -0.58 615 17.14
FUTSTK SUPREMEIND 27-Feb-25 4,895.00 -3.67 750 0.00
FUTSTK BOSCHLTD 27-Feb-25 34,941.35 -2.67 1,325 15.22
FUTSTK TORNTPHARM 27-Feb-25 3,463.60 0.25 1,750 -12.50
FUTSTK BALKRISIND 27-Feb-25 2,837.00 -0.80 1,800 20.00