Information Calculator

Inflation Calculator

An inflation calculator calculates the effect of inflation on purchasing power and capacity of an individual. It primarily indicates the worth of a quantity of money after a certain period. The inflation adjustment calculator even helps estimate the worth of the same amount of money if it is invested.

Less than 2 Years, Generally associated with Lower Returns and Lower Risk

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Cost Increase


Future Cost



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Frequently Asked Questions

An inflation calculator calculates the change in the cost of purchasing goods and services over a period of time. The main purpose of this is to show the value of a sum of money at a specific point in time.The adjustments made by the inflation calculator even help estimate the worth of the same amount of money if it is invested.

Inflation is measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The formula is as follows: inflation = ((CPI x+1 – CPIx)/ CPIx))*100

Note: CPIx is the Initial Consumer Price of the Index

There are three primary types of inflation:

1. Demand-pull inflation:

This can be described as how demand for goods and services can drive up their prices. You can get people to pay more for something if it is in short supply.

2. Cost-push inflation:

When the cost of raw materials increases for businesses, the businesses in turn must raise their prices, regardless of demand. It often kicks in when demand-pull inflation is going strong. 

3. Built-in inflation:

When a business raises workers’ wages or salaries and tries to maintain profit margins by raising prices, that’s built-in inflation.

Free to Use at Ease -

Our inflation calculator is totally free to use and is very easy and simple to operate as well.

Precise Output and Results -

This inflation calculator helps in assessing the potential worth of money in the future. Using historical rates, it also determines the worth of the same money if it is invested somewhere.

Simple to Use -

The inflation calculator is fairly easy to operate. To determine the future purchasing power of a certain amount of money, one simply needs to input the money amount into the calculation.

Time-saving -

The calculator adjusted for inflation provides results in just a matter of seconds, saving time and offering greater convenience compared to manual computations.

Deflation refers to a decline in the overall price level of goods and services, happening when the inflation rate drops below 0%. While inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, deflation actually enhances it, enabling consumers to purchase more goods and services with the same amount of currency.